One Can Dream, Right?

Remember the days when people would gather around at someone’s house to listen to an artist’s new record? Or the days where there were house parties that had a band come in and play a live set for entertainment wasn’t just a scene from one of your favorite movies? 

Yeah I don’t either. Mostly because no matter how old I feel sometimes, I am in reality just way too young to have those kind of memories circulating my mind-hole.

The internet is such a GREAT tool that everyone utilizes to stay connected with one another, and it’s truly an epic way for bands to distribute their music to their fans around the world. But sometimes I can’t help but recognize this whimsical part of my being that wishes that I can have a little bit of both worlds. A world in which I can find an amazing array of music from all over the world by the click of a mouse; music that encompasses all sorts of different genres throughout the universe. And a world where every weekend I can go to an actual house party with a 6-pack of a nicely brewed IPA, and listen to a band play in the middle of someone’s living room- I’d say watch a band play outside, but this is Minnesota so let’s be real.

But wouldn’t that just be a glorious world to live in? 

So to anyone out there reading this- whether you’re a musician, or know someone who is a musician, or even someone who knows someone who knows someone that is a musician- get a friend to throw a party together, put some beer on ice, and hook up an amp in their living room. And if this just so happens to be in Minnesota, send me an eVite! 😉